
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Subjugation of Ignus: Mini-Campaign Battle report #5

The fifth and final battle is Annihilation/Pitched Battle.

The forces are the survivors of the first four battles.

Dark Angels:
Deathwing squad (245pts)
Combat Squad #1 (145pts)
Combat Squad #2(145 pts)
Venerable Dread (170pts)
Force Commander (125pts)++KIA++
Librarian (160pts)
Total: 990pts

Plague Marines, Squad Mortis (241pts)
Plague Marines, Squad Rictus (241 pts)
Sorcerer (160 pts)
Lesser Daemons (91 pts)
Lesser Daemons (91 pts)
Lesser Daemons (91 pts)
Lesser Daemons (91 pts)
Total: 1006pts

*Special Rules:
Player may split unit(s) in the movement phase.
Deathwing Terminators may take two heavy weapons.
Dark Angel combat squads may have an assault weapon as well as a heavy weapon.
Daemons are available on turn 1. 5+ to summon Daemons on all turns.

The Dark Angel player wins the dice roll and will set-up first.

Turns 1 and 2:
The Deathguard attempt to seize the iniative, and succeed! The first two turns are relatively slow with both sides attempting to get into better positions. A couple of the Deathguard are wounded, as well as a couple of the Dark Angels. All of the Daemonic support for the Deathguard arrive by turn 2.

Turn 3:
Turn three has the Dark Angel Librarian and the remaining Deathwing Terminators assault Squad Rictus of the Deathguard, and the remains of the Dark Angel tactical squads assault the advancing Nurgle lesser Daemons. The Plasma gunner from squad Mortis and the Dark Angel Dread exchange fire with the plasma gunner able to knock out the missile launcher on the dread.

Turn 4:
Is a bloody mess! Deathguard, Deathwing, Dark Angels, etc....all die. It is a bloodbath. Even Khorne would be impressed. The aspiring champion from squad Mortis joins the fray against the combined Dark Angel tactical squads, but is killed before he can even get to attack with his powerfist......aaaargh!

Turn 5:
At the end of turn 5, the Dark Angel librarian finally falls to the relentless attacks the lesser daemons, but not before he dispatches the aspiring champion from squad Rictus. The Plasma gunner from squad Mortis lands another glancing hit on the Dark Angel dread and knocks out the twin linked lascannons.

Turn 6:
Game ends with a slim, and I do mean slim Deathguard Victory: 4-3

Survivors for the Dark Angels:
1 crippled Dread

Injuries for the Deathguard:
1 plasma gunner
2 lesser daemons from 1 squad
1 lesser daemon from 1 squad
2 lesser daemons from 1 squad

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Subjugation of Ignus: Mini-Campaign Battle Report #4

The fourth battle is Capture and Control/Dawn of War. There will be three objectives.

The forces are the survivors of the first two battle + 250pts (approx).

Dark Angels:
Deathwing squad (245pts)
Combat Squad #1 (145pts)
Combat Squad #2(145 pts)
Venerable Dread (170pts)
Force Commander (125pts)
Librarian (160pts)
Total: 990pts

Plague Marines, Squad Mortis (241pts)
Plague Marines, Squad Rictus (241 pts)
Sorcerer (160 pts)
Lesser Daemons (91 pts)
Lesser Daemons (91 pts)
Lesser Daemons (91 pts)
Lesser Daemons (91 pts)
Total: 1006pts

*Special Rules:
Player may split unit(s) in the movement phase.
Deathwing Terminators may take two heavy weapons.
Dark Angel combat squads may have an assault weapon as well as a heavy weapon.
Daemons are available on turn 1. 5+ to summon Daemons on all turns.

The Deathguard player wins the dice roll and will set-up first.

Turns 1 and 2:

With Dawn of War in force, turns 1 and 2 go rather quickly as both sides claim an objective and push inward towards the center objective. Although daemonic support arrives early, the Dark Angels small arms fire draw first blood. The Deathguard not only lose a trooper from squad Rictus, but two of the newly arrived daemons as well.

Turn 3:

Combat is engaged! After some small arms fire by both sides, squad Rictus assaults the combined units of the Dark Angel Force Commander, the Deathwing Terms and squad 2, while The Dark Angel Librarian charges a squad of daemons. During both rounds of combat, the DA Force Commander goes down as well as several of the daemons.

Turn 4:

More Daemons enter the battle, with small arms fire from both sides result in no real casualties. Although the Dark Angel Librarian finished off the rest of the Daemons he was fighting during combat, squad Rictus was able to wound the melta gunner from squad 2 and one of the Death Wing Terminators.

Turn 5:

More close combat carnage! Although Brother Grumblegut is wounded and three more daemons fall to the Dark Angel Librarian, the Librarian finally sustains a wound. The combined force of Squad Mortis and Squad Rictus is finally able to drop the last of the Death Wing Terminators. They consilidate and begin heading towards the Dark Angel held objective. Also during turn 5, the missile launcher on the Dark Angel Dread is destroyed.

Turn 6:
Even though the Dark Angel Librarian attempt to stop them, Brother Grumblegut and the combined might of the depleated Squads Mortis and Rictus, are finally able overcome and defeat the Dark Angel Librarian. Squad 1 from the Dark Angels is able to take out the last of the Daemons, but lay down and roll over when charged by the Deathguard Sorcerer, and both aspiring Champions.

Game ends with a Deathguard Victory: 3-0

Injuries for the Dark Angels:

Squad #1: Veteran Sergeant -1ws (1/2 move, -1ws), Lascannon gunner KIA, Melta gunner -1bs (-2bs), Bolter #1 -1bs

Squad #2: Veteran Sergeant -1ws(-3 ws), Melta gunner KIA

Deathwing Terminators: Vetran Sergeant -1 bs (-2bs, -2ws), Assault cannon #2 -1ws (-2ws, -1bs), Storm bolter #2 -1bs (1/2 move, -1ws, -2bs)

Dark Angel Commander: KIA

Dark Angel Librarian: -1bs

Injuries for the Deathguard:

Squad Mortis: Aspiring Champion -1ws (-2ws, -1bs), Helmet KIA, Baldy -1bs (-1bs, -2)

Squad Rictus: Aspiring Champion: -1bs (-3bs), Plasma gunner w/skull head -1ws (-1ws, 1/4 movement), Plasma gunner/fungus body -1ws (-2ws, -1bs), helmet KIA, Nurgle head -1ws

Brother Grumblegut -1bs

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Subjugation of Ignus: Mini-Campaign Battle Report #3

The third battle is Seize Ground/Pitched Battle. There will be three objectives.

The forces are the survivors of the first two battle + 250pts (approx).
Dark Angels:
Deathwing squad (245pts)
Combat Squad #1 (145pts)
Combat Squad #2(145 pts)
Venerable Dread (170pts)
Force Commander (125pts)
Total: 830pts

Plague Marines, Squad Mortis (241pts)
Plague Marines, Squad Rictus (241 pts)
Sorcerer (160 pts)
Lesser Daemons (91 pts)
Lesser Daemons (91 pts)
Total: 824pts

*Special Rules:
Player may split unit(s) in the movement phase.
Deathwing Terminators may take two heavy weapons.
Dark Angel combat squads may have an assault weapon as well as a heavy weapon.
Daemons are available on turn 1. 5+ to summon Daemons on all turns.

The Deathguard player wins the dice roll and will set-up first.

Turns 1 and 2:
The Dark Angel player attempts to steal the iniative and succeeds. Both the Dark Angels and the Deathguard advance forward and secure one each of the objectives, as well as send forces towards the center of the table in an attempt to claim the third objective. There is some small arms fire but no casualties. Although the daemons are available on turn 1, they fail to appear on either turn.

Turn 3:
Combat is engaged! After some small arms fire by both sides (2 deathguard troopers and 1 deathwing terminator fall) the Deathguard...still without daemonic support...assault both the Dark Angel Combat squad #1 and the Deathwing terminators.

Turns 4 and 5:

The Deathwing Terminators make short work of the injured Deathguard. With squad Mortis out of the way, the terminators easily move in and capture their second objective. Although the Deathguard still have yet to receive their much needed daemonic support, squad Rictus is able to defeat the Dark Angel's at the central objective and claim that as their own.

Turn 6:
Game ends with a Dark Angel Victory: 2-1

Injuries for the Dark Angels:
Squad #1: No Additional Injuries
Squad #2: Veteran Sergeant -1ws(-2 ws), Melta gunner -1ws(-2ws, -1bs), Bolter #1, #2 KIA
Deathwing Terminators: Vetran Sergeant -1 ws (-1 bs, -1ws), Assault cannon #1 KIA, Assault cannon #2 -1bs (-1ws, -1bs), Storm bolter #1 KIA, Storm bolter #2 -1bs (1/2 move, -1ws, -1bs)
Dark Angel Commander: -1 ws

Injuries for the Deathguard:
Squad Mortis: Aspiring Champion -1ws (-1ws, -1bs), Helmet -1bs (-1ws, -2bs), Baldy -1bs (-1bs, -1ws)
Squad Rictus: Aspiring Champion: -1bs (-2bs), Baldy KIA, Plasma gunner w/skull head @1/2 movement...again (@1/4 movement), Plasma gunner/fungus body -1ws (-1ws, -1bs), helmet -1ws (-2ws)

*Lol...I got my butt handed to me on a silver platter! ( Not having any Daemonic support really hurt this game. Hopefully it will turn out better in the upcoming two games.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Subjugation of Ignus: Mini-Campaign Battle Report 2

The second battle is Annihilation/Spearhead.

The forces are the survivors of the first battle + 250pts.
Dark Angels:
Deathwing squad (245pts)
Combat Squad #1 (145pts)
Combat Squad #2(145 pts)
Total: 530pts

Plague Marines, Squad Mortis (241pts)
Plague Marines, Squad Rictus (241 pts)
Total: 482pts

*Special Rules:
Player may split unit(s) in the movement phase.
Deathwing Terminators may take two heavy weapons.
Dark Angel combat squads may have an assault weapon as well as a heavy weapon.

The Dark Angel player wins the dice roll and will set-up first.

Turn 1:

The Deathwing terminators advance (@1/2 movement) towards the center of the table. The terminators and lascannons from both combat squads open fire upon Squad Mortis. One Deathguard trooper goes down.

Both Deathguard squads advance towards the center of the table and return fire at the Deathwing terminator squad, but to no avail.

Kill Points: 0-0

Turn 2:

The Deathwing continue to slowly move towards the table and with the support of the lascannon from squad #2, they take out yet another Deathguard trooper from squad Mortis. Squad #1 runs forward in support of the Deathwing terminators.

Both Deathguard squads stand their ground and open fire upon the advancing terminators. Two of the terminators fall!

Kill Points: 0-0

Turn 3:

The Deathwing terminators and both combat squads fire upon Squad Mortis in order to soften them up for the impending assault but the Deathguard hold their ground. The terminators and squad #1 assault squad Mortis. Two Deathguard and three Dark Angels from squad #1 fall in the ensuing combat.

Squad Rictus advances and charges into the swirling melee. Two Deathguard troopers from squad Rictus and the aspiring champion from squad Mortis fall while taking out one more Dark Angel trooper from squad #1 as well as the terminator vetran sergeant. Squad Mortis has fallen.

Kill Points: 1-0 in favor of the Dark Angels

Turn 4:

The lone trooper from squad #1 withdraws from the carnage and heads towards the stone wall farthest from combat. Although too far away to reach the combat, squad #2 runs forward in order to support the terminators. One Deathguard trooper falls as well as another Deathwing terminator.

The combat continues through the Deathguard turn. Although another plague marine falls, the last of the Deathwing terminators fall as well.

Kill Points: 1-1

Turn 5:

The lone trooper from squad #1 and the advancing squad #2 open fire upon squad Rictus. Squad #2 then charges into squad Rictus. One plague marine falls as well as two of the troopers from squad #2.

The combat continues through the Deathguard turn. The aspiring champion from squad Rictus falls while taking out two more of the Dark Angels.

Kill Points: 1-1

Turn 6:

Combat during both players turns is a draw with no casualties.

Kill Points: 1-1

Turn 7:

Game ends with a tie: 1-1

Injuries for the Dark Angels:

Squad #1: Vetran Sergeant @1/2 movement, Lascannon gunner -1bs, Melta gunner -1bs, Bolter #1 KIA

Squad #2: Vetran Sergeant -1ws, Lascannon gunner KIA, Melta gunner -1bs, Bolter #1 @1/2 movement

Deathwing Terminators: Vetran Sergeant -1 ws (-1 bs, -1ws), Assault cannon #1 @1/2 movement (-1ws, 1/2 move), Assault cannon #2 -1ws, Storm bolter #1 -1ws (-2ws), Storm bolter #2 -1ws (1/2 move, -1ws)

Injuries for the Deathguard:

Squad Mortis: Aspiring Champion -1ws, Plasma gunner KIA, Plague Bearer Head KIA, Helmet -1bs (-1ws, -1bs), Baldy -1bs

Squad Rictus: Aspiring Champion: -1bs, Baldy -1bs, Plasma gunner w/skull head @1/2 movement, Plasma gunner/fungus body -1ws, helmet -1ws, sword KIA

*Although I may have take out two of the Dark Angels, I lost 3 more of my pustulent ones :( It will be interesting to see what impact the modifiers to ws, bs, and movement may have on the upcoming games.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Subjugation of Ignus: Mini-Campaign Battle Report 1

The first battle is Sieze Ground/Spearhead with 5 objectives.

The forces (250 pts):
Dark Angels Deathwing Terminator Squad (@245pts)
Deathguard Plague Marine Squad, Squad Mortis (@241pts)

*Special Rules:
Player may split unit(s) in the movement phase.
Deathwing Terminators may take two heavy weapons.

The Deathwing win the dice roll and set-up first. They choose to deploy directly on top of objective #4. The Deathguard deploy approximately half way between objectives #1 and #3.

Turn 1:
The Deathwing split into 3 groups. One assault cannon stays on top of objective #4, while the second one begins moving to objective #5. The Vetran Sergeant and two remaining terms begin moving towards objective #1.

The Deathguard move towards objective #1.

Turn 2:
The two Deathwing Terminators with assault cannons give covering fire to the Vetran Sergeant and two remaining terms as the three of them take cover behind a hedge which is very close to objective #1. The second terminator with assault cannon continues on towards objective #5.

The Deathguard move past objective #1 and Assault the terms behind the hedge. During the combat, two of the Deathguard troops go down as well as two of the "regular" Deathwing terms (power fists and lightning claws make short work of Feels-no-pain and 5+ invulnerable saves).

Turn 3:
The combat continues through both the Deathwing turn as well as Deathguard turn. Although the Deathwing Vet. Sergeant finally goes down, he takes one more Deathguard trooper with him.
Turn 4:

Both of the Deathwing assault cannons open fire upon the Deathguard squad, and one of the plasma gunners is wounded. Unfortunately the plague marine fails his armor save as well as his feels-no-pain.

The remaining three Deathguard split into two units. The second plasma gunner stays in place so that he may continue to claim objective #1, while the other two Deathguard move onward to objective #5.
Turn 5:

Both Deathwing terms open fire upon the advancing two Deathguard, but to no avail.

The Deathguard aspiring champion and trooper reach objective #5 and assault the lone Deathwing terminator there. After a brief but intense fight, the Deathwing terminator fails his 2+ save. The Deathguard have claimed objective #5.

Turn 6:

Game Ends with the Deathguard winning 2-1.

Dark Angels: Vetran Sergeant -1bs, Assault Cannon#2 -1ws, Storm Bolter #1 -1ws, Storm Bolter#2 -half movment.
Deathguard: Plasma gunner #1 KIA, Plasma gunner #2 -1ws, DG with horns KIA, DG with helmet -1ws.
*Although I may have won the battle, having 2 of my Deathguard troopers go down as KIA may prove very costly.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Subjugation of Ignus: 5 game Mini-campaign Intro

After reading: Going on Campaign a good friend of mine and I decided to set up a mini-campaign which would take place in the on-line Warhammer 40,000 campaign Aftermath . We sat down, hammered out the concept and "rules" and then got our forces ready to play over the weekend.

The idea behind the "mini-campaign" started out being relatively simple. We wanted to simulate a running fight over the course of several games. After much deliberation, here are the "rules" we decided upon:

We both create a 1000pt army list.

We would fight 5 different battles on the exact same battlefield.

We would place 5 permnant objective markers on the table top.

We wanted to simulate troops being wounded, but still fighting on to the bitter end, so we decided to use a slightly modified version of the Injury Chart located in the Advanced Gamer section of the old Rogue Trader rulebook.

The first battle would be with 250pts.

The second battle would be with the survivors of the first fight + an additional 250 pts.

The third battle would be with the survivors of the first two fights + an additional 250pts.

The fourth battle would be with the survivors of the first three fights + the final 250pts.

The climatic fifth battle would be with whatever we each had left alive.

Needless to say, we had a blast! I will try and post the battle reports from these 5 games over the next few days.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Maggots of Despair

The "Maggots of Despair" are a large Deathguard sub-faction. They were first encountered during Abaddons 13th crusade. Their infamous raids throughout the Agripinaa Sector were notoriously brutal.

Also known as the Tyrants of Yayor, the Maggots of Despair also participated in the massacres at Dentor and Malins Reach. Their last known sighting during the 13th crusade was the Deathguards unsuccessful attempt to incite an uprising in the capital hive city of Agripinaa Prime. Unconfirmed reports had sightings of Necrosius and the remnants of the Apostles of Contagion working closely with the Maggots of Despair during the failed uprising.

At present, the Maggots of Despair have been assailing the small paradise world of Ignus in the Prox System. The Prox System is but one of many systems in the Aftermath Sector under siege by yet another Chaos Incursion.