The set-up for this battle will be: Planetstrike, with three objectives.
This is a battle being fought and recorded for the online Warhammer 40K online
Aftermath campaign.
The forces taking place in this battle are:
Ork 'Deffwing:
Mega Nobz squad with Warboss and Battlewagon (645 pts)
Mega Nobz squad with Warboss and Battlewagon (645 pts)
Mega Nobz squad with Grotsnik and War Truck(375 pts)
Forgeworkd Mega Dread (205 pts)
Forgeworkd Mega Dread (205 pts)
Total: 2045 pts
Chaos Lord: Typhus (225 pts)
Chaos Lord: Encephalatitus (175 pts)
Greater "lesser" Daemon (100 pts)
Plaguewing Terminator Squad (330 pts)
Plaguewing Terminator Squad (300 pts)
Plaguewing Terminator Squad (300 pts)
2 man Nurgle Obliterator Squad (150 pts)
2 man Nurgle Obliterator Squad (150 pts)
Lesser Daemon squad (91 pts)
Lesser Daemon squad (91 pts)
Lesser Daemon squad (91 pts)
Total: 2003 pts
*Special Rules:
As per outlined in the Planet Strike codex.
The 'Deffwing player is the attacker, so he will go first.
Turn 1:
The 'Deffwing unleash seven barages of "Firestorm" missile strikes to cover their initial advance. With the two battlewagons full of Nobz in Mega Armour pushing towards the center objective, the Wartrukk with Grotsnik races up the left flank towards the second objective.
Knowing full well that my lone Plaguewing squad could not hold the center objective against the tide of Mega Nobz headed their way, I summoned the "lesser" GUO and "lesser" lesser daemons to help bolster their defense.
Turn 2:
Lol...the speed bump that I summoned to throw in front of the Mega Nobz was just that....a speed bump. The "lesser" daemons were wiped out within 1 round of combat. It was time to see what the Plaguewing and GUO could do.
Turn 3:
The battle for the center objective comes to a close with the GUO and Plaguewing being wiped out as well. There was a silver lining to the loss of the center objective. One of the squads of Nobz in Mega Armour was forced to flee after failing a morale test when they were taken below 50%.
On the left flank, the trukk carrying Grotsnik and his retinue of Nobz in Mega Armour was destroyed, forcing them to have to advance (slowly) on foot. The two Ork Mega Dreads that were supporting Grotsnik relentlessly pounded away at Typhus and the Plaguewing squad that were defending the second objective.
Turn 4:
While the Orks consolidated and dug in to protect and hold the center objective, Typhus and the Plaguewing squad race out and assault Grotsnik. After an intense but brief fight, Grotsnik and his Nobz are defeated. Typhus and the terminators prepare to go after the Mega Dreads.
Since the third objective was not under any threat of being captured, Encephalatitus and his accompanying Plaguewing squad had left the obliterators behind to guard the objective while they advanced towards the Mega Nobz holding the center objective.
Turn 5:
Typhus and his accompanying Plaguewing squad are able to destroy the Mega Dread they assaulted, and prepare to go after the last of the Mega Dreads.
Turn 6:
In a surprising victory, Encephalatitus and his Plaguewing squad were able to drive off the Mega nobz holding the center objective. The battle was brief but intense. Yet again, the Mega Nobz were forced to flee after failing a morale check.
Game ends with a Deathguard Victory: 3-0
Since this was our first attempt at playing Planet Strike, we naturally made a few mistakes. The one fairly major mistake we made was that the attacker declared his table edge before the objectives were placed. Since the defender gets to place all objectives, I naturally placed them all within heavily fortified buildings that were as far away from the Ork deployment as I could make them. If we would have placed the objectives before the Ork player picked his deployment zone, (as we should have) I really don't think the outcome would have been the same. you know how terrifying it is to see 18 mega nobz and 2 warbosses closing in on a lone terminator squad. Those terms just don't seem all that tough anymore :)